Services & Technology




in Figures

Matches Per Year
56000 +
2000 +
120 +
130 +
RTS in Figures
Matches Per YR
56000 +
2000 +
120 +
130 +
All information received by RTS originates from our trained match reporters, live and directly from the stadium. This data is processed by our skilled call centre staff and uploaded onto our software using a one-click system.


The RTS System uses ‘AJAX Push’, also known as Streaming Push. Thanks to this innovative technology, the server is able to send an update directly to the client watching the game. This means data is available less than two seconds after an event has occurred.

This allows us to achieve what is virtually a real-time communication between our match reporter at the stadium and our RTS player, thus improving both the quality and speed of the sportscast.

Stability & Scalability

Implemented in Java, RTS is a real-time system, with every module developed as a stand-alone application. This is a vital development, as it allows for improved scalability in the future, which in turn gives us more scope to expand and improve our product. In addition to this, the RTS process functions superbly well with multiple computer systems and cores, rendering it ideal for larger businesses, as well as smaller companies.

The RTS system takes advantage of a state-of-the-art load balancer in order to both handle load and also allow for graceful failover, should computer saturation or an out of memory scenario occur. This will therefore ensure that the RTS system is available at all times, regardless of problems that may arise.

RTS System

The RTS system also comes in two versions, allowing clients to choose which is best suited to their individual, or company needs.

RTS System

The RTS system also comes in two versions, allowing clients to choose which is best suited to their individual, or company needs.

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Members of our highly experienced team are ready to personally deal with your enquiry.

Get in touch with us now!

Members of our highly experienced team are ready to personally deal with your enquiry.